Standard Re-Nu Single Control Tub Shower Valve Sealing Washer, Cold Side

Standard Re-Nu Single Control Tub Shower Valve Sealing Washer, Cold Side


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SKU: 65-831700 Category: Brand:


Standard re-Nu or B201 single control tub shower valve Sealing Washer, for cold side, goes under barrel assembly.  OD 1 1/8″, ID 11/16″  Made of fiber material, not rubber.  #9 on diagram

Standard started to use single control mixing valves in both in-wall and exposed applications back in the 1920’s.  Many of these valves are still in use today, but finding rebuild parts can be extremely difficult.  A few parts are still made, and occasionally we can machine parts from your samples if they aren’t available.
Yes, there used to be quite a few more numbers on the below diagram.  The missing numbers were for parts that aren’t available anymore.  The diagram is from a 1934 Standard Catalog.

new B-201

#4  Cap Washer (goes between brass cover and remainder of body) 65-3700 
#6  Plunger, Cold side (Metal part that rides on stem and holds washer) 86-AS07HC 
#9  Sealing washer, cold (goes under lower barrel assembly) 65-831700  
#12  Sealing washer, hot (goes under lower barrel assembly) 15-911700  
#14 Plunger, Hot side (Metal part that rides on stem and holds washer) 86-AS07HC 
#23 Stem, Chrome plated Brass.  86-8811 
#’s 24 and 26  Handle and retaining nut – Not available, but we can replate original parts.